Posts Tagged ‘AC’

Cash For Clunker Rebates Program To Upgrade Residential Central AC Systems Information Here

Monday, August 9th, 2010


ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America) have a new website feature helps contractors and Consumers Find Energy Efficiency Incentives – this wonderful page is worth a look here is the link:

Read the 04/26/12 update: Click here.

Updated 2/29/12:

   There is a bill circulating the Senate that, if passed, will create tax credits for consumers that reduce their energy usage by at least 20%. The bill establishes a $2,000 base credit for the first 20% decrease with a $500 stepend for each 5% reduction thereafter. The credit will be capped at $5,000 or 30% of the qualified expenditures, whichever is the lesser amount.
Experts have estimated that this bill will create about 19,000 jobs through contracting, supply, and manufacturing while saving 1.7 billion kilowatthours and 18 trillion Btu of fuel by 2016. This is enough energy to power 375,000 homes!
No one is sure if Congress will pass the bill as it does not identify where the funding will come from, but the fact that energy saving bills are still being considered in Congress is a good sign. This shows that the national mindset toward energy efficiency is changing, becoming more important to the everyday consumer. End of 2/29/12 update.

FP&L (Florida Power & Light) Residential A/C Rebate Schedule link: 

New Rebate Schedule (Effective March 2012), Rebate Schedule (Old Effective 2008)


HVAC REBATE UPDATE – Message from A. Cam Fentriss, FRACCA Lobbyist The Florida Legislature held a special session on Tuesday November 16, 2010 and has agreed tothe following resolution for funding the HVAC Rebate Program.Consumers who purchased or contracted for purchase a qualifying HVAC or geothermal unitthrough a Florida-licensed contractor between August 29 and September 14, 2010 will be eligiblefor the $1,500 HVAC Rebate. Consumers must have the completed rebate application, includingall required documentation, at the rebate processing center by November 30, 2010.A copy of the HVAC Rebate application has been attached to this Alert for your convenience.All qualifying HVAC rebates will be paid first from the available funding. It is anticipated that theHVAC rebates will total approximately $2.47 million. The remaining funds (approximately $28

million) will then be disbursed on a percentage basis to each unpaid and approved solar rebate.

For more information, please view the official State website at

 Reactivation of HVAC Rebate

the following resolution for funding the HVAC Rebate Program.

Consumers who purchased or contracted for purchase a qualifying HVAC or geothermal unit

through a Florida-licensed contractor between August 29 and September 14, 2010 will be eligible

for the $1,500 HVAC Rebate. Consumers must have the completed rebate application, including

all required documentation, at the rebate processing center by November 30, 2010.

A copy of the HVAC Rebate application has been attached to this Alert for your convenience.

All qualifying HVAC rebates will be paid first from the available funding. It is anticipated that the

HVAC rebates will total approximately $2.47 million. The remaining funds (approximately $28

million) will then be disbursed on a percentage basis to each unpaid and approved solar rebate.

On Tuesday November 16, 2010, the Florida Legislature passed House Bill 15A approving funding for all qualified applications for the Florida Energy Star Residential HVAC Rebate program with constraints. To qualify:


  • The HVAC or geothermal system must have been purchased or contracted for purchase with a Florida-licensed contractor between August 30, 2010, and September 14, 2010.
  • The new HVAC or geothermal system must be fully installed before November 30, 2010.
  • A complete application (with four required documents included) must be submitted to our rebate administrator on or before November 30, 2010.


Government is getting ready to Launch Florida Cash for Clunkers for A/C’s in August

MORE savings in August for Florida consumers!
Florida’s Cash for Clunker Appliances program soon will be: Rebates for clunker air conditioning systems.
State officials have recently approved a program that will give Floridians a flat fee rebate for new Energy Star-rated central air conditioning and air source heat pumps systems purchased before the end of the year.
  • The amount of the rebate is still to be determined.
  • Window or room air conditioning units will not be included.
  • Only residential home installations will be covered.
  • The state rebate can be combined with the $1500 federal energy tax credit available & the Rheem Consumer Cash Back Rebate
–– so get ready for August SAVINGS in Florida! ––
Trade in your clunker for a new Energy Star-rated air conditioning or air source heat pumps system make the purchase before the end of the year, said Brenda Buchan, the chief analyst with the Governor’s Energy Office who managed the Energy Star appliance rebates program.
Window or room air conditioning units will not be included, as these products were covered under the cash for appliance program.Buchan said Florida also is considering including Energy Star hot water heaters in the new program but a decision has not yet been reached. Only residential home installations will be covered.
An added bonus: The state rebate, which will be funded with federal energy stimulus money allocated to Florida, can be combined with the federal energy tax credit available to those who purchase central air conditioning systems. That credit – which is 30 percent of the price of the system with a maximum of $1,500 – will expire at the end of the year. For information on the federal tax credit, go to and put “federal tax credit” in the search field. South Florida homeowners also will be able to stack Florida Power & Light’s rebate, which fluctuates according to the price and efficiency of units purchased, on top of the state and federal givebacks. Between the three, it easily could be possible for consumers to get new systems for half the usual price, said Oscar Calleja, president of the South Florida Air Conditioning Contractors Association. “I should be a great, great program,” said Calleja, a partner with Florida Energy Raters in Margate. “I just wish we had more time.” There are no details yet on the air conditioner program. Buchan said they should be announced in early August. The program could begin as early as the end of that month, meaning units would need to be purchased from that date through year’s end. While the new offer probably will resemble cash for clunker appliances, Buchan said there will be no reservations or priority numbers required. The appliance program, which offered a 20 percent rebate on six types of new appliances, required consumers to first register for a priority number, to ensure there was enough funds to process all rebate applications in the pipeline. Floridians embraced the appliance-rebate program, which began on April 16; demand was so high that the program ran out of money within 48 hours. Buchan said about 4,000 of the more than 70,000 appliance rebate checks already have been sent but the bulk should begin arriving in mid-July. Buchan said the processing has taken longer than expected, as the state is auditing each application after it’s been processed by an independent contractor. But she expects the state will be able to give rebates to all 4,000 people who submitted applications without priority numbers or after the deadline and were placed on a waiting list. To track your rebate or ask questions: Call 877-521-2135.
More Cash for Clunkers Program Rebates to upgrade your old Air Conditioning system information and Federal Tax Credit, Rebate tax information is available
The Tax Incentives Assistance Project and IRS Tax Credit Information.
Below is the list of Rheem Products Eligible For a/c Federal Tax Credit.
Please click here to contact us anytime Or call 954 772 0079 We Keep You Cool!

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